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Esperance Sculpture Trail - Community Engagement Phase
We are currently seeking community feedback and input regarding a future potential sculptural trail in Esperance. As part of this process, we are keen to hear from you!
A Project Steering Committee has been setup, and non profit arts organisation FORM has been appointed to consult with the Esperance community - to listen, hear community aspirations, and seek feedback on this prospective project.
How you can get involved
We are keen to hear from you! And would very much appreciate any feedback you can provide us.
There are lots of ways to be involved in this project such as community workshops, community surveys, as well as through this online engagement hub! This is an opportunity to shape a historic project that can express the identity and beauty of Esperance for the community, and to the world.
Share your IDEAS here for what you'd like included in this project!
Or submit a STORY below about your memories and thoughts of Esperance.
Your contributions will help us generate alternatives, new ideas, options and propositions, which will enrich the project.
Esperance Sculpture Trail - Community Engagement Phase
We are currently seeking community feedback and input regarding a future potential sculptural trail in Esperance. As part of this process, we are keen to hear from you!
A Project Steering Committee has been setup, and non profit arts organisation FORM has been appointed to consult with the Esperance community - to listen, hear community aspirations, and seek feedback on this prospective project.
How you can get involved
We are keen to hear from you! And would very much appreciate any feedback you can provide us.
There are lots of ways to be involved in this project such as community workshops, community surveys, as well as through this online engagement hub! This is an opportunity to shape a historic project that can express the identity and beauty of Esperance for the community, and to the world.
Thanks for being involved to date in the Discovery phase of the prospective Esperance Sculpture Trail project.
Over the past 12 months, various activities have been undertaken including an artist in residence program, artists workshop, ICIP workshop with Terri Janke and & Co, pop-up engagement activities at various Esperance community events, presentation at the Esperance Chamber of Commerce and Industry CONVERGE conference, a Cultural and Creative Forum and workshop, as well as long-form interviews with key stakeholders, business owners, community members, community groups, accommodation providers, environmental groups, and tourism operators. These activities were supported by an online engagement hub, surveys, idea and story digital boards, and digital newsletters.
As we wrap up Stage 1, we are keen to hear your thoughts on the activities that have taken place over the last 12 months where we have focused on gaining an understanding of the desires of the Esperance community and its sentiment towards a potential world-class sculpture trail.
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Thanks for joining us for the Esperance Sculpture Trail: Cultural and Creative Forum!
The day was filled with great discussions and information. As you will recall, we heard from Michael Deller (FORM's Senior Cultural Tourism Specialist) giving a re-cap of the Esperance Sculpture Trail project thus far as well the topic of cultural tourism. Then, we explored ICIP with a presentation and a comprehensive workshop led by Laura Melrose from Terri Janke and Company. Lastly we finished the day with a Cultural tour from Dabungool Cultural Experiences.
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Thanks for joining the From Hobby to Pro: Taking the Next Steps in Your Artistic Career workshop in November.
This workshop included a presentation on the Nuts and Bolts of Starting a Small Business presented by Michael Deller (FORM's Senior Cultural Tourism Specialist, small business owner), a presentation about brand "Your Brand, Your Story" from Laura Motherway (published author, writer and poet) as well as a Q & A panel discussion featuring Laura Motherway alongside local artists Jason Wooldridge (creator) and Pat McCarthy (Fish on Fish Skins).
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Page last updated: 18 Mar 2025, 02:22 PM
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Esperance Sculpture Trail is currently at this stage
This consultation is open for contributions.
Under Review
this is an upcoming stage for Esperance Sculpture Trail
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for Esperance Sculpture Trail
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.